July 1, 2008

C.E. 7.01

Posted in life, Make tagged , at 1:27 pm by rjax

As I was about to start this post the weather jumped pure wicked. I think it even hailed. There were rumbles of thunder and buckets of rain. It’s still thundering but has calmed down I don’t remember when that stop scaring me. It was just so sudden. I wish I’d had time to get a better pic. It was really something.

I also have a chance to do a craft show/farmer’s market in 2 weeks. Mind you, I’ve never done a show and am a little beside myself. I do this, leap into things with little prep time. Like the address page and my 4-H outfit. I think I can do it.

I just cut some more wood. I like sawing wood way more than sawing metal, it’s easier to cut and correct straight line cuts in wood. I use a flexible handsaw of my dad’s. and a clamp. It works wonderfully.

Went e-searching for new packaging supplies. I want plastic tuck top boxes for one thing and kraft boxes (cotton-filled boxes wrapped in brown paper) for the rest of my stuff. Ideally, I’d like boxes in the 5 colors that have become part of my branding: brown, orange, teal, red and green. But I’d have to buy a case of each and I don’t need 500 boxes. Still, that’s looking like it’ll cost about $100 to get everything I want. Whew!

Post Picture: My shot of the sudden fury.

April 29, 2008

CE 4.29

Posted in Blog, elpy, Etsy, Make tagged , , , at 11:39 am by rjax

I’d promise to do better updating this blog…but that’s a lot, right. I do have another blog that I write more regularly about everything. I wanted this one to not purely be a mirror of that. While it would be easy it might also be boring unless I promoted them to two different sets of people. Ah, well.

I bought a lot of supplies yesterday, comparatively. About $50 including shipping…that’s a lot for me. I’d had a job for a month and was so excited to spend the money getting supplies I’ve longed for for a dog’s age it seems. New things are happening at elpy. I’m also looking to register a domain and buy an ad spot in an indie online mag. I may end up with a blog ad instead…shall see.

I’m going to try to be more serious about my art and my life. I want to really pursue things, learn new techniques, be more confident.

The title CE is for Current Events, what’s happening at the moment in my creative walk. I’ll probably use it again. Dated titles are something that I use often on my other blog so I’m carrying it over here.